Suicidal Thoughts, by Felicia Subscribe to rss feed for Felicia

She has a abrupt feeling to end her "perfect life"
And leave all these smiling faces and fancy ties behind
To stand out above the rushing water and let go
To feel the icy water take over her warm breath

To know the feeling of death and the uncertainty of life
To cross the line where this life ends and a new life
To take your last breath and cry your last tear
To know the end is near and accept it with open arms

To see your vision cloud over and completely go black
And silently realize that your work here is complete 
To remember that these things are only suicidal thoughts 
And they will soon pass away just like time and space 

                   Felicia Mac

Posted: 2007-09-02 18:46:41 UTC

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2007-10-14 21:59:07Teresa
i feel like that all the time if you really do feel like this email me at [email protected] Teresa

2007-11-10 01:49:17User
Hmmmmmm...another poem I can relate to, just that I don't have a perfect life or anything close to that..good poem!

2008-03-15 03:17:10Firec
very nice!

2008-03-27 20:57:27 ~~~~GLOSTARG~~~~
Hi Felicia i hope your feeling better today. you have been on my mind since your last comment on my poems. God Bless You. Glostarg

2008-05-24 17:50:31 ~~~~GLOSTARG~~~~
Hi Felicia, you mentioned you were having some pproblems with writers block, and so I thought of a poem I had written for my writer's block at one time, I offer it to you as a source of helping find your own creativity. God Bless You Felicia! Gloria/glostarg WHOWHATWHEREWHENWHY BLOCK(4), by GLOSTARG WHO I say Who, but Who to say it to? Who is a being; you see? Who has no home For Who's on the roam, Just looking for someone to be. Who Me? WHAT What is it to you if I just refuse, If I just don't want to agree? What's the problem of seperation, If no one will ever see? What's the use of trying so hard, When no one will know you have tried? What is What anyway, and what is it's answer. What story can What really hide? What seems to be lacking, And no one can gain, For what is No answer today! what'd you say? WHERE Where is a good question, It has some direction. Where makes a lot of sense, But where can make one so tense. Where is a destination; It can be in any Nation. Where can also be past tense. WHEN When is real, a person, place or thing arriving. When is a time or place to be. When is an acceptance of circumstances, Or questionable,like when can be you meeting me? WHY Why am I trying to compose Why In lines of rhythm and flare? Why have I fell on a thought of such questions? What is Why! but Why do I care?

2008-06-04 02:12:28Craney
Wow, it is great that you let that feeling go away from you. I used to feel the same way several time. Let life go on and don't give in. You are loved.

2008-12-01 09:48:49Invisible Poet
i respect your work... these thoughts keep me awake for hours on end

2009-02-18 17:25:31Tyler Cedric Golden
definently an interesting read...amazing how the mind wonders into several different ways of thought depending on emotion or recent events....i like this poem the way it was written and the expression and feeling of the thought...good job..