Dreams, by XRebzX Subscribe to rss feed for XRebzX

Dreams are what we make of ourselves
they come and go every night
dreams are what makes us survive so well
they're something we cannot fight

Dreams are such funny things
sometimes they are quite bad
i've always wondered "what do dreams mean?"
they either make us really happy or sad

Are they just imagination?
or is there a message to send out?
what do we really think of them?
what are they all about?

It's weird to even think about it
they come in great big stacks
but what do they really, truly mean?
or should we just turn our backs?

Dreams are what we make of ourselves
they come and go every night
dreams are what makes us survive so well
they're something we cannot fight

Copyright Rebecca Waring
Posted: 2005-10-03 21:17:12 UTC

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