Sleeky (Part 2) (You should be at least 18 years old to read thi, by Craney Subscribe to rss feed for Craney

Lovely cat was striding along the pavement over large 
metropolitan city of Chicago. Her scrupulously washed and 
licked fur was sparking and shining in the rays of sun. 
Occasionally, she looked up to observe the heights of 
skyscrapers and the fluffiness of cumulous clouds. 
Somewhere very above, the Archangel, Gabriel, was looking 
angrily at her. He was dressed in white rob; the lower 
right part of it was savagely torn by powerful claws. 
“Just let me get my hands on you,” whispered Gabriel and

turned to Jesus Christ. 
“Oh my lord, let me send stormy rain upon Chicago, for the

people of it have become way too reckless and wicked in 
the way how they behave outside today”. 
“Leave that cat alone and repair your robe, will you?”
the answer.
The cat reached the central park full of tall trees, 
massive bushes, and green grass. Lovely, the cat sliced a 
bunch of grass with her teeth and joyfully chewed it up. 
Then, kitty leaped and rolled on the grass. What a nice 
day! Some people who were sitting on the green bench 
placed beside the walkway curiously watched the pussy. 
Near the bench, grew large oak. Right beneath it, there 
came a Siam cat. He was middle-sized a bit bigger than the 
cat rolling on the grass. He approached the pussy, and she 
immediately stood up and started sniffing the air.
“Meow, what a surprise, Megan,” said Siam cat, “So 
delightful to see you again”.
“Don’t come too close!” hissed pussy rising up her 
back “Or feel the sharp power of my fangs and claws. 
The cat was absolutely not surprise with such hostile 
answer, one could bet. His face reminds calm; however, he 
obeyed his fellow cat and stopped. Megan (you bet that was 
her real name), in her turn make one step back with her 
mouth open and ears held back. The male cat made a bold 
step forward and raised his voice?
“What’s wrong with you stupid bitch?!” he cried out in

half coarse voice. “Don’t you remember who I am? I made

you before, and I can make you again!”
Suddenly, the face of Megan changed and instead of angry 
it became apologetic. Humbly, she approached her friend 
and smiled. 
“Oh, Clark sorry, I forgot all about you”.
“It looked like you had so much fun with that Black Bill 
that you forgot everyone; unless, you pretended that you 
did”, noticed Siam cat.     
Megan immediately recalled that time when somewhere within 
the dirty streets of Chicago when many teenagers gather 
together to smoke pot, where the rotten smell goes 
incessantly because of large pile of garbage which barely 
ever being scooped up, that is where she met black moldy 
cat, Black Bill. Before taking a walk with his new 
girlfriend, Black Bill washed himself in the bucket of 
water. Then, it licked his wet fur. Brown-grey stripe cat 
was walking with cat quite a distance along the valley of 
dirty townhouses and stinky apartments. They ate some dry 
fish which they found near the trash bin. Somewhere 
beneath the row of bushes, on the sparse grass, they made 
love. Megan had proven to be an outstanding lover. Her 
body was springing, swaying and crawling. Her lips and 
tongue lovely touched the lips, and tongues of her 
partner. Black Bill gently bit and licked the honey 
scented chicks, neck, and lips of her girlfriend. The body 
of Megan was so soft, so tender, so pleasantly warm, that 
the libido of black cat went high and high. Furiously his 
body was rubbing against her body.
“Meow, that is very good!” Black Bill was talking while

digging deeper and deeper into Megan,” No wonder how many

guys want to laid off with you”. 
“Meow!!!!”  screamed Megan.
“Only with you the sex can be so sweet and lovely. You are

magnificent and tender lover. I never had anything like 
this with any other girl. No wonder that so many males cry 
out in desperation and longing for you. I want you, I want 
you, I want you!  Come on, do it to me again and again!
 “Meow!!!!”  screamed Megan.
Oh those were memories, precious sweet memories. Megan 
remembers now that how many cats were chasing her across 
the city. Many of them were fighting furiously for her, 
like she was the most important thing in their lives. 
Among them was a blue Jay who won her over in the fight 
with grey Carlson.  Brown Tom, shy cat from the east 
suburbs of Chicago tried hard to please Megan that at 
least she would allow him to walk with her. However, she 
strictly refused Tom and even sent two other cats to beat 
him. With mocking look and contempt she watched the way 
how brown skinny cat was beaten up by the couple of burly 
grey cat-males. 
“I hope they would beat him again, that loser,” thinks 
Megan “That was very entertaining indeed.”
Then she recalled Fred, one fat, pink-reddish cat. He was 
lazy and gluttonous.  What he enjoyed the most was a 
comfortable place to sleep, plenty of delicious food to 
eat, lovely girl like Megan to mate. He was soft, warm, 
but too lazy take a fifteen minutes walk around the yard. 
Most of the food he got from one old lady who lived in 
house near the Lake Michigan. Hunting for mouse or 
catching fish was definitely not one of his styles. That 
is why Megan was his girlfriend only for a short period of 
time – two days only. Later on, she got pregnant and had 
plenty of pink-reddish kittens. Some of them died due to 
the infections, the other mistakenly disappeared.  The 
other brown cat whose name was Roger. His master was young 
guy who worked as a programmer at Rogers Company. You 
guess that is why the name of that male-cat was Roger.  
The brown cat was given full freedom inside the house. He 
could sleep on the keyboard, eat on the dinner table, and 
play with the sleepers of his master. Several times, he 
invited Megan to the house where he lived where they had 
lovely dinner of chicken, tuna, or shrimps, and later on 
made love. 
“Love me, sweet heart,” almost whispered Megan while 
sprawling her body on the coach and Roger did. Then, the 
master of Roger lost his job and had to move from the 
house. By that time, Megan lost interest in brown cat and 
moved closer to the east downtown, near the private 
residence of milliners. Here, there was a big park with a 
lot of bushes of valerian where she could indulge herself 
in impulsive consumption of the favorite veggie and later 
on rolling and crawling around the bushes. There was also 
small pound where the groups of ducks were swimming. 
 Unfortunately, there were barely any cats, but mainly 
dogs. Several of them used to chase the cat, but she 
always managed to get away. Two of the dogs paid big price 
for such disrespect toward the brown-grey stripe lady: one 
of them was driven over by the car while the other got his 
muzzle cruelly scratched up by the sweet pussy. In any 
case, Megan decided not to wait any longer and leave the 
private residence where the houses looked like castles. 
She went to the North region where in white building near 
the central park she found one white and black Siam cat, 
whose name was Clark. The Clark was a skillful hunter. He 
used to hunt down more than thirty mice, forty-one rats, 
and seven pigeons. He also used to catch several small 
rabbits. “Very delicious long ear creatures,” that was
way how he described them while licking his lips. Soon 
Clark proved himself as a good fellow. He showed Megan the 
life around the white building where he used to live: 
backyard, Central Park, and couple of food stores where he 
occasionally got a leg of chicken or a head of trout. By 
that time, he was a favorite toy among three cruel kids of 
negligent parents. In one day, he managed to run away 
through the balcony. He was afraid that the kids with 
their parents would start looking for him and find him, so 
he had to move really far in the east and spent some time 
in the basement of college. When Clark came back to the 
place where he used to live, he found that the family was 
moving away from the building. The heart of our cat was 
relieved. Clark proved himself not only an interesting 
person, and tender lover, but also as a fierce fighter. 
Several times, he managed to chase the other cats away 
from Megan by powerful blows delivered by his paws and 
painful bites. Megan was very proud of her new boyfriend 
and even was thinking of spending a lifetime with him. She 
wanted to make him father of his kittens. Then, in one 
sunny day when she was basking on the grass, the lovely 
smell of cheesecake attracted her. The cake belonged to 
the senior officer who took a rest on the bench. He put 
the box with the cake on his laps and opened it up to make 
sure that the cake was in good conditions: it was not 
tramped, broken or stale.  The cheesecake covered with 
caramel was in great conditions. He was about to close the 
cake while a stripe cat leaped on the bench and moved 
toward senior officer. Old man always loved cats, so he 
reached his hand and started caressing Megan. Then, Megan 
reached the cake, smelled it and suddenly submerged her 
head insight vanilla. Senior Officer was shocked. He was 
even more shocked that cat could speak in human voice. He 
immediately took the cat to his condominium where his 
wife, big and mean woman was waiting for him.  Old man 
cold his new pet Manunya and had really lovely and 
unforgettable moments with her. Soon, the officer had to 
say good-bye to his wife and then to the cat as well. But 
this is another story, and we will talk about it later. 
Megan, again was left on the street. Again, she got 
pregnant and got birth to four kittens in the overturn 
trash bucket. In order to keep herself sated and in shape, 
Manunya (or former Megan) began hunting for mice, rats, 
pigeons, sparrows, lizards, and rabbits.  In one day she 
returned to the trash buckets and didn’t find her kittens.

They were all gone. She was so troubled and upset that 
almost for two months she barely ate anything, just 
running and walking around the streets and parks in vain 
to find her children. She was almost driven over by the 
track. The driver of the track was a sturdy guy, Jeff, the 
former champion of karate. I believe you’ve heard about 
him before. She still lives with him, but from time to 
time takes a chance to ran away through the back door and 
enjoy her time walking around the urban area. Again, Megan 
recalled her recent meeting with Black Bill. 
He is just an ok lover and Clark would definitely beat him 
up. Clark is also way cleaner than that moldy blacky. 
Megan looked at Clark again.
“Shall we walk around the park?” inquired Siam cat,
weather is nice”.
“Of course my darling, replied Megan, absolutely not like

the way she did in the first time. 
So, Megan and Clark or should I say Manunya and Clark set 
off on journey, first through park, then through a 
quarters of apartments where they bunch of trash bins and 
buckets could be find with a lot of food thrown by 
tenants. During they walk, couple of cats start peculiar 
“You can be very ferocious as much as tender,” said 
Clark. “This is exactly girl whom I am looking for. Why 
don’t we live together again?”
“I cannot now” was Megan’s reply, “I am not ready
“What do you mean not ready?” misunderstood Clark, “We
such a great time together and you wanted to be with me. 
But now out of blue, you are changing your mind.”
“Sorry, but I simply can’t now. I don’t think you will

“Let me guess, slowly started Clark, is it because you 
live with some sort of jerks in the apartment who treat 
you like a queen? Is it why you decided to leave me 
alone?” his voice gradually became demanding.
Megan stopped, turned her face down and didn’t say 
anything. Clark stopped too.
“Answer me!” the voice was harsh.
“I have one friend whom I cannot leave… He is good to 
me.”, suddenly she replied. He will, … he will die

“What a surprise! Since what time do you bear good 
feelings for someone except your kids?” replied Clark
always wanted someone to take care of you and this guy 
seems takes care of you very well. He will live fine 
without you. I know that, he knows that, and you know that 
too. It is all you. You want his service, you want his 
cozy apartment. You’re simply selfish promiscuous cat!
“Shut up!!!” screamed Megan, “This is my life!”
“Of course this is your life” replied Clark in tint of 
sarcasm in his voice, “Yes, I cannot give those warm 
blanket sheets those people provide. I don’t have those 
tasty shrimps and chicken legs put in the cold box. I 
don’t have a big and lovely smelling room where you feel 
warm and cozy during the winter time. I am a just a street 
cat who picks up garbage from the trash, sleeps in the 
cartoon boxes, and sometimes has a chance to catch one 
tiny mouse. I am not that good Megan!” 
“So hit the road, fucko!!!” screamed Megan.
“You are bitch indeed!” continued Clark, “I thought
loved me, at least care a bit about me. But the only 
person you loved and always love is yourself. You simply 
ran away from me. You didn’t even bother to search for me,

but instead you started having sex with additional 
bastard. Have you known how many sleepless days and nights 
I wasted searching for you?! How many tears I shed crying 
your name while shivering in the cold rain and you didn’t

reply? So many times I saw us together in my dreams. You 
cannot imagine how heartbroken I was when you left me. Why 
do you do such things to me, Megan?! Why?!  
Megan didn’t say anything, but instead she turned around 
and started running away toward the building where Jeff 
lives. Clark immediately followed her. Due to the fact 
that Megan didn’t ran fast, Clark soon was able to catch 
up with her. Megan, immediately turned toward him and 
sprayed sharp claws.
“Shhhhhhhhh!!!” was her hiss, “Leave me alone! You
will be 
“Hey, let me talk to you,” said Clark
“Shhhhh!!!! Leave me alone. ALONE!” was the same reply.
“No, I won’t” started protesting Clark and immediately

received hard sleep of claws against his cheek. This took 
him by surprise. He took additional look at Megan. In 
front of him stayed the hissing cat whose extreme 
angriness and hatred disfigured her face in malicious 
grin. Now, Clark started wondering how he could ever 
possibly enjoy companionship with Megan, and whether that 
cat who was standing right now, in front of him was really 
that sweet lovely girl with whom he had so beautiful, 
miraculous and unforgettable nights of love, weather such 
viciously looking cat was really Megan. Slowly he turned 
around and left brown-grey stripe cat. After several steps 
he stopped, turned around and said quietly, but still 
loudly enough so the girl could hear: “You will never see

me again. We have never met each other!” and he ran toward

the park.
Full of angriness, Megan shot her mouth off to him “Good 
bye loser. Eat your garbage Fucker Cat!”
Now, the rain started to fall and became stronger and 
stronger until it turned into ferocious rainstorm. It 
completely soaked the fur of Megan and made her look in 
very miserable and dirty way. 
Posted: 2009-05-16 19:26:28 UTC

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