You are always on my mind, by Nora Eason Subscribe to rss feed for Nora Eason

You are always on my mind,
Here you will find my thoughts,outlined.
You are my eternal sunshine,
I hope you'll forever be mine.
I would rather have you than a million bucks,
Or a mansion,no matter how deluxe.

I think we are the perfect match,
Together our hearts can withstand any scratch.
Being with you makes everything else so futile.

I cannot resist your handsome smile.
My love is so strong,it makes me fly,
I love you immensely,that I cannot deny.

I hope we make it,I hope it will last,
My love for you is truly vast,
This poem has come to an end,
Remember that,without you,my heart feels bent. 

      Written 8 /8/008  By Nora Eason
Posted: 2008-08-09 04:53:44 UTC

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