You cant hurt me, by **kaza94** Subscribe to rss feed for **kaza94**

My pain is at its end,
My life is on a new bend,
You no longer exist,
To me you are always pissed, 
Waste your life away, 
Get over me in a day, 
You are so fucked up,
Your dreams squashed in a cup, 
You will no longer bring me down,
Or turn my smile into a frown. 
Posted: 2007-01-29 18:56:49 UTC

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2007-01-30 04:33:44Chalan
I thought that this poem was very relateable. It kind a reminds me of my poem It's Time. because its about moving on from a relationship

2007-02-14 00:58:38Lil'Fighter
Great Poem.

2007-02-23 04:40:56connie
this is good

2007-03-05 23:37:13connie