"Red Hair and Emerald Eyes", by Wingless Subscribe to rss feed for Wingless

Red hair and emerald eyes.
They hold no nasty surprise.
No venom or emotional infliction. 
Just depths, for you to explore and make your addiction. 

Dresses and lip gloss.
Worn by your floor and smudged on your skin.
Yours to indulge in.
A touch so simple yet full of intentions
Just to be with you, put my world to corrections.

Roses and diamonds.
Gestures of affection I accept, but don't need.
The hands that give are more what I want to receive. 
I long for the luxury to last. Bond never to break.
Whatever you expose in me, is yours to take.

Simplicity, the most meaningful essence.
And all I need and want from you. Is you.
And to do the things we do, you do.
Sweet seventeen, courageous and free.
From the doubting and worried, I need no pity.

Dance and drink.
With you, around you, a sin of a way to keep your
but I won't stop. I hear no objection.
So party on, as hours draw smaller let the drinks flow.
I won't be beautiful in the morning, as you well know.

Love me, look after me, watch me being sick.
Love is incoherent. The clearest way to describe it.
Look passed the bed-head and smudged mascara on the cover,
I am still your red-headed, emerald eyed, young and thankful
Posted: 2010-09-10 13:10:48 UTC

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2010-10-11 00:32:53Sweet Posionous Memories
That is very good different but good...keep it up!