To Late, by Invisible Poet Subscribe to rss feed for Invisible Poet

with every tick of the clock
another moment with you slips by
any minute the ship will leave dock
and take you away from me, to edge of sky

Im swimming now through the ocean of feeling
the waves propelling me far above to sky
i cannot let you, the one who sets my heart reeling
simply depart without saying goodbye

but what is happening now
the ship turns about suddenly with full steam 
back to the docks and the crowd
the ship never heard my silent scream

im still in the currents of emotion
the ship passing merely inches from my face
but my hands cannot leave the ocean
of my body there is no trace

she runs down the gangplank
seeking the eyes that warm her heart
she knows not that to the bottom he has sank
and now the currents are ripping him apart
Posted: 2009-12-09 20:08:43 UTC

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2009-12-16 03:38:37suzieQ