Why should we fear?, by Alexa Roberts Subscribe to rss feed for Alexa Roberts

Here I am,
Fighting, My life is on the line,
The doctors say,
Don't give up,
The truth is,
The path is rough,
All the tears,
all the hurt,
The prayer has to work,
I get on my knees,
and look up,
And ask for God's help,
I am tired of being sick,
Of losing my hair,
I am tired of being scared,
I want to live,
for my son,
the battle has just begun,
But I am going to fight,
and I am going to win,
and keep praying,
and I won't lose sleep,
I will not fear,
I will just thank God I am here.
Posted: 2006-11-24 03:29:21 UTC

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2007-01-05 07:32:05lttlewhitedove
Your words are pure. Keep up the faith, keep writing.