A Friend, by Innocent until proven Guilty Subscribe to rss feed for Innocent until proven Guilty

A friend is a person
to laugh and cry with,
An inspiration,
Someone who lends a helping hand,
though friends may not be forever,
and they may not end up together,
the memories of a true friendship will
last forever.
A friend isnt a shadow nor a servant
But someone who holds
a major piece of your heart.
Someone who shares a smile,
Someone who brightens up your day
What makes a person a friend?
Is by saying your Love will stay.

To my best friend Fatima. Thanks for being here for me
through the best and worst times in my life. LYLAS!!
Posted: 2006-02-21 18:31:51 UTC

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2006-02-27 21:22:22 Kirsty (living in the light)
So true can i use this poem and give it to my friend as encouragemnt when she moves home. Please please tell me after reading my poem My Pain which is about her moving. Thankyou

2007-08-22 19:27:24Felicia
Really good