Need To Act, by LostSoul Subscribe to rss feed for LostSoul

Can't control what happens in life
Can control how you react to it

Is this from basis on facts?
Or is this one of those you need to act


You need to change
Or everything's gonna stay the same
Start the flame
Get on the game

Look in the mirror
Tell me what you see
Tell me every inch what makes me, "ME"

Open the door
Pick yourself up off the floor
Start heading to a direction where you can soar
Everyone has been there before

Live it
	Give it
		Try it

Life is a lesson learned
Everyone will have a chance to burn
Come forth like a phoenix, reborn
You will be adorned

Don't react, be proactive
You are your own contraceptive
Don't be deceptive

Learn to live life
You only have one
The rest is up to you, completely done

Posted: 2009-11-04 05:34:15 UTC

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2009-11-26 16:29:47Azure Faye
If anyone controls my life, it should be me. Thank you for just spelling that out to me, and anyone who reads this. The simplest thing can be the hardest things to understand. Great job.