...Perfect...., by ♥`HopeBringsSorrow`♥ Subscribe to rss feed for ♥`HopeBringsSorrow`♥

every time of day.
when you come my way.
Your perfect,
when i see you.
though you ripped my heart in two.
Maybe your selfish,
maybe your mean.
But in every way,
your perfect,
Perfect to me.
Everyone says your evil,
Everyone says your mean.
But your perfect,
Perfect to me.

This poem is dedicated to Austyn.Boy, i love you with all my
heart, cant you see? Why do you do this to me?
Posted: 2009-05-02 23:22:38 UTC

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2009-05-03 13:24:50CUTTS**AND_A_BROKEN_HEART
awwww..this is so sweet!!! this is a really good poem , i like how u write!!

2009-05-03 15:41:10izzy
i know exactly how you feel, but i realized that she wasn't the one. it's hard when someone you love treats you like this.

2009-05-31 20:24:09Your Everlasting
I know how you feel and I am still in love with the one who did that to me.I hope that you're guy comes through for you like mine did for me.